Summer drifts
An immersive matrix of diverse plant shapes and exciting flower types
· Ready-set-go: Using a mixture of young plants, bulbs and seeds this mix gets flowering from its first spring
· Stretches of colour: Bright lime-green euphorbias set off against pastel bluebells before Summer stars take to the stage
· Layers of planting: With 3 distinct levels of planting (ground over, knee height and chest height) this scheme always catches the eye whilst catering to a diverse range of flying insects.
· Resilient: Having a wide-range of plant species in this mix means that – no matter how extreme weather conditions are – something will always prevail. Having a rich seedbank waiting under the plants means any gaps are soon filled up, allowing this scheme to repair after disturbance.
· Best for back gardens: An ideal mix for a semi-shadey spot, with a dense selection of plants and the occasional head-height species this is a great mix to walk through and admire with a cup of tea in hand.
· Soil health: A dense and muti-layered mix such as this gives good coverage of the soil, helping to regulate its temperature and support soil life.
(from £90 per sqm)
After removing the lawn, we install a crisp wood edge and spread a layer of blended loam substrate over the area. Depending on the time of year we add in bulbs beneath, before broadcasting seeds and plugging in a mix of young plants. Biodegradable netting is spread over the surface to help regulate moisture.
(from £25 per sqm, per year)
For this scheme we carry out three weeding visits in the Spring, one Summer and one Autumn check-in and one Winter cutback. All materials, labour and expenses included in this price. We ask that clients water their new meadows well for the first 3-month period (and Summer dry spells).